Wednesday, January 15, 2025




Bath Soaps

Bar soaps have been around for much longer than their gel or liquid counterparts. They are, however, often misunderstood. Soaps are a cleansing product, used for a variety of purposes, from body care to housekeeping.

In the old, soap was made by combining boiled fats with ashes. Overtime, the production processes for soap became more complex and refined, as did the ingredients used in them, making soap essential in every household.

Soaps are generally harsh, as they are alkaline and contain preservatives,  colours, and c fragrances, some are artificial while some are organic. They can thus be irritating to the skin depending on the technology of production.

However, soaps are now available in an array of compositions, with ingredients that moisturise and protect the skin. such are the types produced and marketed in the brand name of "OMA Beauty" soap. Made from organic extracts of Eustoma flower.

Moisturizing Bar Soap

When choosing a soap, it is important to check for the pH level. This is because the skin is slightly acidic, with a pH of 5.5. If the soap has a pH of 9 or higher, it can strip the skin of essential lipids and proteins, leaving it dry and irritated. Lower pH levels are better for the skin, so choose a soap that has this key element.

Soaps that have too many preservatives, chemicals and fragrances can also be a bit too harsh. Natural moisturising ingredients like cocoa butter, berries, grapeseed oil etc as contained in "OMA Beauty soap. nourish the skin and protect it from harm.

A good moisturizing soap should leave the skin clean, soft and nourished. Soaps can actively hydrate the skin, and the velvety foam can keep you feeling pampered in the shower.

Soaps too can address multiple skin conditions. Those with sensitive skin can choose a soap that soothes the irritation, while gently cleaning and moisturizing the body.

Use  warm or lukewarm water on your skin, hot water strips the skin of natural oils, which can leave it feeling tight and dry.

Uses of Bath Bar Soap

Get innovative with your favorite bath soap like OMA Beauty bath soap and hav pleasure in your personal cleaning. Note the following:

  • Body washes  – If the soap format is uncomfortable, turn the soap into a liquid version. It’s easy to do and will leave you with a foamy, soft composition

  • Felted soap  – The benefit of two actions in one; felted soap can clean and exfoliate together!

  • Clean fingernails  – If you’re going to do some work in dirt or mud in the garden, first scrape your fingernails on a bar of soap. The soap will create a barrier between your nails and the dirt; so, when you are done, a good wash will clean it all up

  • Smelly shoes  – A soap left overnight inside a smelly shoe will absorb the odours overnight

  • Closet smells  – The same rule applies to cupboards as well – musty smells will go away

  • Bug bites  – Rub a soap on a bug bite to help with the itchy feeling

  • Unstick zippers  – If your zipper is stuck, just run a bar of soap along with it and it should slide open

  • Broken glass  – Tiny pieces are difficult to scoop up, but a bar soap will pick up all the tiny shards. Just make sure you throw it out once you’re done as it will be unusable

Wednesday, May 3, 2023




In this week’s edition, I shall discuss

·         How can leaders and aspiring leaders guide their followers toward success

·         The end of ‘fake it till you make it

Let’s get to it.


To know a thing or two about leadership, here, I share what you should expect if you are entertaining the idea of becoming a good leader in your field. This includes:

1.       Leadership is scary— This defines leaders regardless of whether they are scared, they take action and embrace the challenge.

2.    You need to stand for somethingPrinciples will help you with harder decisions down the road. When in doubt, default to your principles.

3.    You need to make others succeedAs a leader, people look to you to advance the mission that you represent in order to bring more prosperity to everyone that is part of that pursuit.

4.    Make people believe in themselves and in something biggerTo make your team achieve incredible things, you first need to make them believe they are capable of greatness.

5.    Talk the talk and walk the walkBuilding trust is a simple process: you need to say what you will do, do it and then show that you have done it.

…In the coming weeks, I shall dig deeper into the above five elements.

Saturday, February 18, 2023




7 Simple Ways To Make Money In Tablet Soap Business

 Business Overview

Soap is very useful in our daily lives as a personal care product, and almost inevitably in every household and corporation. The soap industry falls under the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, which represents one of the largest industries worldwide.

According to research reports, aggregate output from local soap industry is about 650,000 tones per annum. With the ban on soap importation, this translates into a demand and supply gap of more than 250,000 tones yearly.

                                                    Market Prospects
The soap market in Nigeria is estimated to be about N18billion, and it is estimated that over 800,000 tonnes of toilet and laundry soap are produced yearly (NBS). This is based on a conservative estimate of weekly consumption of one tablet of 75g per person of laundry and bath soap. This demand is driven by population growth, disposable income and consumer trend

Raw Materials
Soap is a traditional washing compound made from the saponification of oil fats and caustic alkali. The two vital raw materials needed for the production of bar soap are palm oil and caustic soda. Consequently their importance in the production of cleaning agents cannot be overemphasized
Equipment Needed
The core machines used for bar soap manufacturing include, oil refinery, boiling pot, amalgamator plodder/extruder cutler eyelet, and sealing machines

Production Process
This depends on the stage one wants to start from. Bleaching ,Saponification ,Amalgamation, 
Extrusion ,Eyeleting, Cutting and packaging
Being a bar soap manufacturer includes sourcing of capital, equipment and raw materials. Others are adequate knowledge of production process, naming your product, marketing and sales..

In the subsequent edition, I shall provide detailed report on the 7 simple ways to make huge money in bar soap business in Nigeria.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022




It is rounding up again. Yes another year is closing for yet another to open.

Quite certain, year 2022 is closing for year 2023 to open.

This is another time, most people live in two modes:

Mode 1: Thinking about new year goals

Mode 2: Being in holiday mood

It is obvious that we live in a world where the pandemic has both reshuffled the cards of living and redefined what it means to be poor. The gap between the rich and the poor has widened more for the first time in decades.

In whatever mode we find ourselves right now, please let us take time and ask ourselves this pertinent question before 2023 catches up with us.

“Who must I become to live the life I WANT to live?”

It doesn’t matter what happened in the past.

What matters is what we do RIGHT NOW – before the new year begins.

So if you want to transform your life and create permanent, lasting change, sign up this completely Free Report!

Revealed: 4 Secret Wealth Codes That Will Help You Turn Your Passion Into Fortune Fast

by Wilfred Gladstone. Just send in your email to It is completely free. Make a request for this report now. Send your primary email to get this claim this 100% free report


Monday, August 15, 2022






Episode 3- Different Types of Private Investors

The last two episodes introduced private investors. In this episode i will give detailed information on different types of private investors. Just spare some few minutes with in depth  attention.

Before you start your hunt for a private investor, you must be aware of the different types of private investors that you may come across. So, without further ado, here are the different types of private investors that may be willing to invest in your startup:

1. Friends and family:

Startups and small businesses often turn to friends and family as their first private investors. They are a great source of investment because friends and family already have the trust and confidence in you that are required to take the risk of investing in a startup. Friends and family can either lend money to your new business or make an equity investment.

When it comes to money, don't take the investors lightly just because they are your family and friends. Remember that your investors will only get paid back if the business makes money. Give them a good pitch, show them your business plan, and make sure they understand the risks of investing their money, even if they trust you completely, in order to avoid ruining your relationships.

2. Angel Investors

These are wealthy individual investors who put their own money into new businesses when they are at the startup phase. Angel investors sometimes put their money by joining forces with other angel investors. This is called an angel group, and it can bring a more significant amount of money to a startup.

Angel investors should be "accredited investors". Accredited investors have a net worth of at least $1 million. In addition, they earn $200,000 a year or $300,000 a year with their spouse. Along with money, they also offer mentoring or advice that makes them more valuable for your business.

\3. Private Equity Investors

Private equity is money that is put in by private individuals and private equity firms. In exchange for their money, private equity investors get a piece of the business or a loan note. The goal of a private equity investor is to make money by selling their share of the business after a few years.
While you can get private equity from individuals, this type of investment usually comes from private equity firms, which are investment companies that take money from individual investors and pool it to invest it in companies that have already shown great promise.

4. Private Investors Versus Venture Capitalists

Venture capitalists are professional investors. Venture capital firms have people who put money into the venture capital firm, and the firm has to give them big returns for their money. Because of this, what they look for in an investment may be different from what other investors look for.

They assess businesses and invest in them the same way people invest in stocks, and they do everything they can to make sure their investment brings a return. VC firms put more money into growing a business in exchange for a share of it than you’d expect from an angel or other individual.

Remember, pitch private investors such as 
DESNET through or facebook/desnetsesnet or facebook/desnetfunding for your business funding.

Typically venture capital firms invest more at the later stages of a startup than private individuals. There are some which specialize in early-stage startups. Though they are going to be more demanding of you. Typically, they will come in after you’ve raised a round or two from other individuals or sources. In the next episode, I  shall bring the exposure of How to Find a Private Investor for Your Startup


Saturday, August 13, 2022



In the last post, the introduction of  how start up entrepreneurs can quickly raise business fund was made. It opened up on quicker and more profitable funding window. Thus every entrepreneur should know what private investors are. Today I will expose what private investor are. Stay on.

What Are Private Investors?

A private investor is a person or business that gives money to help startups or businesses take off and grow. Private investors have several advantages over other funding methods for startups. Most of the time, private lenders focus on one type of business and industry, so you can find an investor that invests in startups similar to yours. 
They can help you in more ways than just giving you money. Investments can be made through equity or debt. Equity is when you trade money for ownership of your company. The investors will get their money back based on their stake in the company or the number of company shares they own.

Startups are risky businesses that are just getting started or are in their early stages. To grow their business, they need money, and they need it fast. Most of the money that these small companies need can come from private investors. It is usually hard for new small businesses to get money from big banks.
Even if you have a detailed plan when you go to the bank for a loan, it's likely you won't get any money because startups are a big risk for the bank. If a bank turns you down for a loan, don't worry you can still pitch private investors such as DESNET through or facebook/desnetsesnet for money. Private investors are individuals and companies that are not banks. Most of the time, they give money to new businesses in exchange for ownership of the business. They may also make loans or loans that can convert into equity later. In the next post, I shall bring the exposure of Different Types of Private Investors






Private Investors

Every entrepreneur should know what private investors are and how to find them. Finding an investment as a startup founder with little to no past experience in securing funding can be scary. Lenders such as banks do provide lives of credit and small business loans, however, they may not be keen to invest in a startup with no track record or proven revenues.

Here,  we help from A to Z with everything related with fundraising, luckily the amount of initial investment a startup needs to get off the ground and launch can come from private investors that aren’t associated with banks or other large institutions. With that said, you aren’t the only startup that will be actively looking for these private investors. Private investors are the preferred type of investors for most startups because private investors are willing to take more risks with new companies. They may be more flexible on their criteria for lending or investing as well.  

If you are trying to get investment from private investors you will have to find them first. Not to mention you need to know what a private investor is and their types to make sure you find the right one for your startup.
In this article, I will explain everything you should know about private investors and how you can find them, so read on.  In the next edition you  shall get the exposure of
What Are Private Investors

