Saturday, February 1, 2020


Building a healthy client list can seem like an overwhelming task.                  

Try these 7 steps to help get more clients for your business.

A good business owner, must no doubt  be keenly aware that client base is the lifeblood of a company. A steady stream of new clients  allows a business  to grow and fulfill company vision.
Realizing   the importance of a strong client base for all small businesses, including virtual ones, is why consultants asks  the business owner: "what is your best approach in creating a client base for your online business?"
These  seven-step approach works best for attracting new clients.

1. Identify Your Ideal Client

It’s easier to look for customers if you know the type of consumers you seek. Without a composite of your ideal customer, you probably wouldn’t know where to start looking.
Have a crystal clear picture in your head of exactly who you're targeting.                  Think about what makes those types of people :
i. Happy
ii. Sad
iii. Scared
iv. Relieved
Then think about how you can make their lives a little easier.”
Narrow down the focus of your  ideal client and avoid making broad target market statements, like every woman, every man or all baby boomers. Note that few products appeal to that vast of a group of people, and overstating your market will prevent you from developing viable targeted strategies for attracting clients.

2. Discover Where Your Customer Lives

Once  you have  targeted customers in mind, identify those places where they are likely to be found (media, online, offline, mail, etc.). Then create messages for them.
Remember that the place  you look for customers will depend on the nature of your business. Some good online locations include forums and social media pages, including your own and those of similar or complementary businesses. Offline, you can meet plenty of potential customers at conferences and conventions in your industry.

3. Know Your Business Inside and Out

Thoroughly understanding your industry and having a firm knowledge of your product  or service is critical to being able to attract interested clients. When you know your product inside out, facts comes through. The people who would be interested in your offerings can see how knowledgeable you are and will seek your assistance.

4. Position Yourself as the Answer

Your  first step to making them loyal customers is to give your potential clients you come into contact with a good reason to try your services.
Provide value and establish yourself as having an in-depth knowledge of the problems they are looking to solve. This takes the form of creating content via webinars, blog posts, guest blogging, and getting out there and physically networking with people. From all this you will start to attract a following, and as long as you have a structured sales funnel setup, you will be able to convert the followers/fans into paying customers.

5. Try Direct Response Marketing

One  best bet for reaching out and touching customers is to use tactics to encourage them to complete a specific action, such as opt into your email list or request more information.
Creating  messages directed at your target market is one best strategy.  Therefore you must learn to create ads that attract your ideal clients by giving them something of value for free to get them started in your funnel.get as much knowledgeable as much as you can about direct response marketing practices, because you will  learn to focus on results that matter. Create compelling messages that tell your ideal audience why they'd have to be a fool not to work with you. Show them you understand their pain, and can make it go away faster and cheaper than they could without you.

6. Build Partnerships

Forming  alliances  with businesses that offer complementary services affords you the opportunity to take advantage of synergy, which can be very effective in building a business.
Thus, nurturing relationships, either with other business owners or customers, helps create a client base, Focus on building human relationships. The stronger your relationships are, the more likely customers will be to tell their friends about you. And, the more likely they'll be to come back.

7. Follow Up

Always  remember to close the loop after your efforts to bring in business. Remember to set follow up tasks (follow up to sample sent, etc.), and execute your plan. So many leads and great conversations are wasted because you forget to follow up.

Doing this simple step is sure to get your client base to grow.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Come Let Us Save Lives Together


                                           About 2.5 million people especially women and   children
in Sub Sahara Africa die annually from pollution in the kitchen caused by the use of carbon emitting kitchen fuels.Greenview Network Concepts is positioned to stop this menace by producing a kitchen Gel fuel that is a non explosive, no odor, non sooth and eliminates carbon dioxide emission in the kitchen by 95%. Your partnership seed of N10,000 ($28) shall go a long way in making our goal of saving lives achievable. All partners are rewarded a life time quarterly compensation of 3% of partner volume in cash or product. Join now and save lives. For more enquiries send SAVE LIVES to,   phone- +2349012424030

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Wealth In Cooperative Society

                                                     How To Build Wealth Through Cooperative Society


Cooperative Societies are a powerful and effective tool for wealth creation and investment. Many people have heard about them, but only few understand them and the immense opportunities they offer. Cooperatives have the capacity to reduce poverty, enhance job creation, encourage savings, reduce business risk and improve national productivity.
A Co-operative Society is an autonomous and voluntary association of individuals who come together with the objective of owning common property, and promoting the economic interest of its members.
Different countries have regulatory authorities for cooperative societies. However, those Federal Law grants powers to the certain to establish a Directorate for Cooperatives which will be in charge of registering and regulating cooperatives.
Application for Registration
An Application for registration shall be made to the Director of Cooperatives and shall be signed by at least ten individuals qualified for membership of the society. All applications for registration must be accompanied by the Bye-Laws of the applicant Co-operative Society which are the rules and regulations which govern the affairs of the Co-operative Society.
The Director of Co-operatives has the authority to refuse to register a Co-operative Society where such an Applicant Society’s Bye-Laws, for example, do not comply with the provisions of the Co-operative Societies Rules.
Benefits of Registering a Co-operative Society
• Upon registration a Cooperative Society becomes a legal entity with the right to sue or be sued in its corporate name and assumes capacity to enter into contracts or agreements.
• Cooperatives can own movable and immovable property, of any description, in its corporate name.
• Profit and Gains made from trading or business activities of Cooperative Societies is exempted from Corporate Tax Liabilities
• A cooperative society has a separate legal entity. Hence, the death, insolvency, retirement, lunacy, etc., of the members do not affect the perpetual existence of a cooperative society.
• Government has adopted cooperatives as an effective instrument of socio-economic change. Hence, the Government offers a number of grants, loans and financial assistance to the cooperative societies
• The management of cooperative society is entrusted to the managing committee duly elected by the members on the basis of ‘one-member one -vote’ thus making the model democratic.
Tips for a running a successful Community Cooperative Society
Set the rules: It’s mandatory for Cooperatives to have a registered bye-law which would detail subjects like constitution of management committee, tenure of management committee, contributions, procedure for disbursing money, procedure for doing business with third parties, meetings, book keeping and accounts, dispute resolution procedure etc. Bye Laws ensure fairness and accountability among members and reduces abuse to barest minimum.
Due Diligence                                                                                                                                To minimize or eliminate the risk of losing money, it is important that cooperatives investigate any investment or business opportunity before making the decision to invest or engage in the business. It is also important for a Cooperative Society to engage the right professionals to advice members on every business.
Do you desire to enhance your income source and quickly attain financial freedom. Use the cooperative society platform. We can assist you to get your cooperative registered and up and running. Contact us on 09012424030, email:  

Transforming Lives- Reforming Lives

Friday, May 31, 2019


GNC Pro: EASY WEALTH IN COOPERATIVE SOCIETY: HOW TO BUILD WEALTH FAST THROUGH COOPERATIVE SOCIETY A Cooperative society is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to ...



A Cooperative society is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their economic , social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned democratically controlled enterprise.

Mark the underlined words. In the coming days, I shall x- ray how one can quickly build wealth, exit the rat race and become financially secured through the influence of the underlined words in the world of cooperative society. Please keep the date. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019



                      Greenview Network Concepts is a Nigerian company working      towards the production of an eco-friendly kitchen fuel called gel cooking fuel. It falls in the category of fast moving consumer goods. Did you know that from available reports more than 2.5 million people especially women and children die annually from pollution in the kitchen resulting from the use of carbon dioxide emitting kitchen fuels of kerosene, cooking gas, charcoal and firewood in Sub Saharan Africa. To reduce these deaths especially in developing countries, a simple and sustainable kitchen fuel that brings revolution into the kitchen is being introduced by my company. It is a low cost, smokeless, odorless, non pressurized product.  A  low viscosity, very easy to handle, non sooth gel made from cellulose and isopropyl ethanol. It eliminates carbon dioxide emission by 95%.  It is ecologically safe, greater, better and cheaper alternative to kerosene, cooking gas, charcoal and firewood. My company, Greenview Network Concepts is going into the production and distribution of this product that eliminates deaths caused by pollution when cooking. All partners are awarded a life time quarterly compensation of 3% of partner volume in cash or product. Join us in saving these lives with a onetime partnership of N10,000 ($28). Yes, your partnership seed shall go a long way in making our goal of saving lives achievable. Do you not see it as worth being our partner. Come let us save lives together.Contact us for further enquiries through,   facebook/greenviewnetworkconcepts,  phone +2349012424030    

