Tuesday, October 27, 2020



The rare African novel set in the (largely Christian) east of the country, Passion for Fortune is Uzor Lonjys’ debut as a novelist… though he’s already had a storied career as blogger, tweeter, short story writer, and all-around infuriator. He is easily one of the most important writers to come out of Africa in the 21st century and the world has the gift of the Internet to hold responsible for his restless presence in readers’ daily lives. It is a sign of the changing times that he is his own publisher, on social media and on his blog www.gnconcepts.blogspot.com, spewing forth thought provoking material laden with sardonic humor without the permission of avuncular gatekeepers. The writer Uzor Lonjys is something of a celebrity renegade in the African literary scene. He rules the waves on social media, this eccentric and eclectic Twitter Overlord who sits perched on an imaginary throne, dispensing carefully crafted snarky but profound tweets that throb and seethe with controlled rage and truth, tweets that often develop lives of their own in the re-tweeting and re-telling, as they utilize the magic of the multiplier effect to replicate and go viral in infinite directions. Uzor  could probably make a nice living by allowing ads on his blog site; he has the kinds of followers that make him an opinion – and possibly brand leader. The novel is currently available at amazon.com, amazon kindle

Wednesday, September 2, 2020




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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How To Get Rid Of Brown Spots On Face Fast


How To Get Rid Of Brown Spots On Face Fast


Hello friends,
I’m back with another post and here I will be talking about how to get rid of the brown spots on face fast. That is how to get rid of those stubborn spots on the face. Brown spots generally occur on the face due to excessive production of melanin in the skin. Also, it turns the skin darker and leaves you with a not so pleasant skin condition.

1. Lemon Juice:

One of the easiest ways to get rid of the brown spots is by using lemon juice. Lemon juice contains natural bleaching properties which help in lightening dark spots on the face easily. The ascorbic acid in lemon also helps to deal with hyper pigmentation on the skin without much effort. However, after applying lemon juice on the spots, don’t expose yourself to direct sunlight. Repeat this regularly to get rid of the brown spots fast.

2. Gram Flour Pack:

Another quick way to get rid of the brown spots is using gram flour pack. Gram flour contains skin lightening properties which can help to fade away the dark spots on the skin and also promote glowing skin. Take two-three spoons of gram flour and add some lemon juice to it. Mix together and apply on the face. If needed, you can also add rose water to it. Apply this face pack on face and wash off with cold water after some time.

3. Horseradish:

Another herb that will never fail to surprise you when it comes to fading brown spots on face is horseradish. Horseradish contains skin lightening properties which help in lightening the brown spots easily. Take some grated horseradish and mix it with apple cider vinegar. Mix well and apply this mixture to the brown spots and leave it for some time. This mixture can be stored in the fridge for upto 2 weeks. Wash off with water.

4. Castor Oil:

Due to strong healing properties in castor oil, it can help to get rid of the brown spots on the face. Also, it contains several vitamins which will nourish your skin and also keep it healthy. In order to treat the dark and brown spots on face, massage them with lukewarm castor oil regularly. Leave it for few hours and wash off with cold water. Repeat this regularly to get rid of the brown spots easily.
5. Apple Cider Vinegars5. Apple Cider Vinegar

