Monday, February 11, 2019


  This is the year of balance in all our endeavors. It is my obligation to continuously bring to your doorstep the tips that shall help you enhance your financial balance in this year.  Our next  financial freedom series shall undoubtedly lead you to your much desired financial balance.
Please read on

While most people have been given the opportunity to pursue academic or professional educations, they have not been given access to the resources necessary to acquire a strong financial education.  It is for that reason that this book is giving you free access to an exclusive collection of financial education.
This is the type of education that teaches us what we should be doing with our money so as to be successful and live a fulfilled life of financial security and freedom. In today’s world, financial education is crucial, especially with the world economy in constant recession or depression. However, our school systems do not teach us about financial education and so most people have never been taught what they need to know in order to take control of their financial lives.
When Robert Kiyosaki wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad, he subtitled it: “What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money—That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!”
 Unless you grew up around the rich, you probably have never been taught even the basics you need to be rich. Essential Finance and Money Sense is developed to help you increase your financial education and learn the secrets of the rich.  
You can order here. Just send in your name and email address and the book shall be delivered to you.

                                              Saving and Investing

Saving money is something we should all aspire to do. It could be saving enough money to put aside in an emergency fund to provide a financial buffer in unforeseen circumstances. Or it might be saving for the kid's education or maybe even a pleasure trip. And saving ties in nicely with budgeting. Saving is what we can do with what the money which our budget tells us should be left over each month.

Then once you have accumulated some savings, you may look at how to multiply them through investment. Investing is a complex area with many complex investment products available. You might buy shares, real estate or a mutual fund, deposit certificate, treasury bill, day savings. You can even invest in non-financial asset like agricultural produce, as long as you know what you are doing. Investing is how you take your accumulated saving and put them to best use to grow your wealth over the long term.
In the next edition, different approaches of saving money shall be exposed.

Without Money, Modern Economies Will Not Function"


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